Jan. 12. 2023 - I AM QUITE SLOW AT READING, ive been reading interview with a vampire for erm... a couple months at least. I love the book, I really really do, but i'm just not always in to it. I think the internet has really messed up my sense of attention. I get so caught up in those 1 minuite dopamine shots, and it makes me less interested in it. However, I love reading, I really do, it's really enjoyable, and I used to read so much in elementary and middle school. I used to be the kid that sat quitetly, rarely talked and just read books. Now I don't read much which makes me deeply sad. I'm going to start reading more, hopefully 1-2 books a month to start off as. I want to get off of social media more and start to spend more time journaling and reading in my free time, I feel as though this can be a way for me to learn more and expand not only my attention and language, but connect to my younger self, as now I have access to a ton more books, but I'm not using these resources to my advantage... I say I'm a book reader, but what did I read last year like, 3 and a half books?
Dec. 21 2022 - I keep staring books before I finish one, I've been reading Dracula and Interview with a Vampire, but I started The War of the Worlds. It's really interesting so far, I'm on chapter 7, I've only read a little bit of H.G. Wells like the Time machine and the Island of Doctor Moreau,but I've never finished them, I think after I finish this one I'll read the others as well, because I'm liking the writing style.